Akeytsu is a 3D animation software developed by the talented team at Nukeygara. Designed by animators for animators, Akeytsu is both powerful and intuitive for rigging and keyframe animation. Modern, comprehensive, and accessible, this disruptive toolkit is dedicated to boosting creativity! To support this momentum, Dessinandier was initially approached to equip Akeytsu with identity guidelines that align with its aspirations (based on the logotype created by its founder, Aurélien Charrier) and a visual identity for the subscription program (LIVE).
In a second phase, the goal was to enhance the visual identity by infusing life into the logotype itself. It was crucial to "animate" the emblem of the animation software (created by Aurélien Charrier). Several versions coexist. The first (swirl) plays on the "spinner" (one of Akeytsu's flagship tools) and symbolizes the fusion of the three colors, the three axes. The following versions are "bumpers," quick and dynamic graphic animations designed to introduce most of the videos. Finally, "countdown" is an extended version of "swirl," playing on the points used in both the software's curves and official documents.
Among the many aspects of applying a new graphic charter, there is the important but strategic task of revising the website. Therefore, it was necessary to design a new web design that aligns with the newly created aesthetics and meets the sector's expectations. Here are some of the mockups created and already implemented on the website: nukeygara.com.
To replace the previous headers that relied on macro photographs of dragonflies (the mascot of Nukeygara and Akeytsu), I created about thirty interchangeable visuals, still based on the dragonfly but in a more modern version, using two colors and geometric inspiration (as if it were a whimsical wallpaper). Here is a small sample:
A few examples of the application of the identity guidelines on different communication materials. First, a glimpse of the interior part of the 2020 brochure, as well as the mockups (and visuals) of the stands for the GIC and Devcom trade shows.
Finally, several animated promotional banners were designed as part of the product's marketing campaign. In addition to those, visuals were created for Akeytsu's communication on platforms such as Steam or 80lv, roll-ups, roadmaps and flyers, business cards and t-shirts, and I even had the privilege of working on the interface of the software itself to fine-tune some elements to better align with the new identity guidelines.
Special thanks: Étienne Beschet, Charles-Arthur Bourget, Aurélien Charrier
3D Characters: Étienne "Vexod 14" Beschet

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