My role is to build its visual development (and ingame production) from scratch, but also the whole lore and quests that I imagine and compose.
It's a very inspiring mission on which I can fully stamp my imprint, while creating an entire universe.
Here are some works I did for the game, from character designs to ingame environments.

Full logo I designed for the game

Icon I designed for the game

The cyberpunk x medieval city of Mar - Main illustration of the game starting region (all aspects)

Early visual exploration of the game's universe, updated with new character classes and new ambience (all aspects)

The proud yet dangerous city of Mar - Downtown map (lore, design, 3d modeling, lighting)

The tropical greenhouse oasis of the city of Mar - Jungle map (lore, design, 3d modeling, lighting)

The great sewers of the city of Mar - Antechamber map (lore, design, 3d modeling, lighting)

The main and luxurious place of the city of Mar - Central Square map (lore, design, 3d modeling, lighting)

The slum district of the city of Mar - Ghettos map (lore, design, 3d modeling, lighting)

The old sanctuary of the city of Mar - Markur's Temple map (lore, design, 3d modeling, lighting)

The busy market of the city of Mar - Bazar map (lore, design, 3d modeling, lighting)

The industrial zone of Mar - Craftmen District map (all aspects)

The lumberjack's sawmill (lore, design, 3D modeling, lighting)

The Markadian Bank interior (lore, design, 3D modeling, lighting)

Mar's region loading screen

Mar's buildings art direction sample





Warrior heavy armor


Visual exploration of COTE universe updated with in-game character classes above (rogue and warrior)

Another visual exploration of COTE universe

Except for most spell and class feature (character selection) icons which are placeholders (random temporary elements only for reference purpose).